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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Tips To Stretch Shoe Budgets

Got shoes with worn soles and heels stashed in your closet? Shoes you would normally love to step out in again, but the wear and tear just wore them out? Here are a couple of tips to help keep your favorite shoes last longer so you can enjoy them more:
The number one reason shoes are thrown out? Because the soles get worn down. To prevent this from happening, go to a shoe-repair shop and ask them to glue on a sole protector. Experts say this can add up to seven years to the life of shoes!
I know with my high heels, I seem to wear down the tips on the heels way too quickly. Shoe experts advise that plastic tips should be replaced with rubber; But do this before the plastic tips get worn down. Heels are held together by tiny silver pins and if the heel is worn down too low, these pins can be hammered in so deep they can’t be repaired. Amazon.com usually sells replacement heel tips, and you can always go to your local shoe repair shop or dance shop.
If you can take the time to stuff your shoes with newspaper when you take them off, this trick will help soak up moisture that otherwise will breakdown materials. Plus, the paper will help keep the shape, and keep your favorite footwear looking newer longer!
Filed Under Best Foot Forwardshoe repair tips

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